We’re so excited you took the time for a “virtual” visit. We believe this time will be a blessing to you.
The word of God tells us to evangelize the world. We carry out the great commission outlined in Matthew 28:19 by following the plan of salvation given in Acts 2:38. Greater Faith Outreach Center is a ministry on the move for Jesus. It is our sincere desire to minister to the whole person: the body, soul, and spirit.

Cash App: $GFOC

Sunday School 10:00am- 11:00am
(Online via Zoom & In Person)
Worship Service 11:15 am
Communion - 5th Sundays
Wednesdays Online
Prayer 7:00 pm-7:20pm
Bible Study 7:20 pm – 8:30 pm
Any additional services will be announced in service, posted on our board, and on our website.
Greater Faith Outreach Center, Inc.
7401 North Dixon Ave.
Tampa, FL 33604
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1064
Riverview, Florida 33568